Friday, January 26, 2018

East Portal Campground in Estes Park 7.3.17

Looks like we made it!! Here we are in spot A14 at East Portal Campground.

So pretty, so pretty, so pretty! We didn't even have to rotate the T@b because the kitchen faced away from everyone else, which is exactly what we want! A couple more views because mountains.

Fred and Lucy were out front to greet visitors, and there were a few! We even found another T@b in the campground which was awfully exciting. Unfortunately, we didn't have a spot right next to Jeff and Kathy and the Scamp, but we were only about 5 spots away, so not too far!

They had a nice big spot too, and were across from the playground. We even went rock wall climbing!

Look how high! These guys are surely expert climbers to make it all the way to the top!

Hmmm...or maybe it had something to do with perspective? LOL!

The view from their campsite sure was spectacular though, wasn't it? We were kinda bummed that the plastic rock wall was there, but we made it work.

This campground was extremely well planned with spacious sites and water and electric right at each campsite. The hardest part was walking up the very steep hill to the bathrooms on day one. We weren't quite acclimated to the altitude yet, so walking up made for some rather labored breathing. By day two it wasn't as noticeable. It's also very rustic with winding, bumpy, dirt roads with sharp switchbacks, making it inaccessible for larger campers. Ours worked perfectly! We even had lots of opportunity to see wildlife in the campground.

This friendly deer hung around a neighboring campsite for a long time. Must have been finding some good treats, and didn't seem to mind the people too much.

Then there was this fellow... This was the LARGEST elk I have ever seen! I didn't want to get too close, so this is my very, very zoomed in photo of him. After banging his antlers on the tree, he came sauntering right through the campground, to everyone's delight! Those of us who weren't from the area were in extreme awe of his size and confidence!

We enjoyed some campfires and night time scenery.

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Here I am with my Silipint Happy Camper cup. I think the photo does everything justice. Mountains, campfire, (with dinner cooking) and beverage. What's not to like?

Evenings got a little chilly, but we were OK because we went shopping and bought big, warm hoodies!

I just love this shot of a wispy cloud and the moon. This was the view behind the Scamp one evening.

If you're a tent camper or have a small camper, I highly recommend this campground for an absolutely perfect Colorado experience. We. Will. Be. Back.

In my next post, I'll take you through some of the activities we did during our stay in Estes Park!

Happy camping!

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